Town Ordinances

Ordinance 2022-10 Opioid Unrestricted Fund

Ordinance 2022-11 Opioid Restricted Fund

Ordinance 2019-05 775 East Annexation 2020

Ordinance 2020-02 Minimum Square Footage

Ordinance 2020-01 Fence

Regular & Special Mtgs. of the Town Council Amendment

Ordinance 2017-02 Plan Commission Amendment

Ordinance 2017-03 Town Econ. Dev. Comm. Amendment

Ordinance 2017-4 Hope Town Code Amendment

Ordinance 2017-05 Misc. Permit Fees and Reg. Amendment

Ordinance 2017-06 Board of Zoning Appeals Amendment

Ordinance 2017-07 Compensation for Officers and Employees

Ordinance 2017-08 Garbage and Rubbish Amendment

Ordinance 2017-10 Town Square Park Special Events Polices Ammendment

Ordinance 2017-11 Town Econ. Growth Task Force Ammendment

Ordinance 2017-12 Amend Salary Ordinance – HSA

Ordinance 2017-13 Town Econ. Dev. Comm. Ammendment

Ordinance 2017-14 Random Drug Testing Policy

Ordinance 2017-15 Town Wide Trash Pick-Up (Amend Town Code Chap. 9)

Ordinance 2017-16 Town Promotions Appropriations-Town Promotions

Ordinance 2017-17 Town Park Events

Ordinance 2017-19 Budget Adoption

General Provisions

Town Administration

Town Legislative Branch

Fees, Licenses, and Permits

Parks and Recreation

Public Health and Safety

Building and Construction Regulations

Traffic and Parking Regulations


Zoning and Subdivision Control

Code of Ordinances – Cover

Code of Ordinances – Index

Code of Ordinances – Parallel References

Code of Ordinances – Table of Contents

Amend Golf Cart/UTV Ordinance

Amend Salary Ordinance – Cell Phone Stipend

Re-Establish CCD Fund

Water Rates and Charges

Budget Adoption

Authorizing the Issuance of Waterworks Revenue Bonds – Pages 1-7

Authorizing the Issuance of Waterworks Revenue Bonds – Pages 8-21

Authorizing the Issuance of Waterworks Revenue Bonds – Pages 22-40

Authorizing the Issuance of Waterworks Revenue Bonds – Pages 41-End

2018-19 Salary Ordinance

Ratifying Adoption of Ordinance 2011-02 – Farm Animals

Amend Farm Animal Ordinance

Adopting a Supplement to the Code of Ordinances

Outside Pet Ordinance

Employee Handbook

LOIT Special Distribution

2015 Salary Ordinance 2014-06.pdf

Budget Adoption Ordinance 2014-03.pdf

Final Golf Cart Ordinance 10-26-14.pdf

Ordinance for Flood Hazard 2014.pdf

Ordinance Shelter House add fee increase 11-12-14.pdf

Ordinance to add unsafe building fund 11-12-14.pdf

Rental Registration Form.pdf

Rental Registry Ordinance.pdf

Town Square Park Special Events Policies Amendment

Town Economic Growth Task Force Amendment

Compensation for Officers and Employees

Town Economic Development Commission Amendment

2019 Salary Ordinance

Ordinance 2018-03 Police Oversight Committee

Ordinance 2018-03 Police Oversight Committee

Ordinance 2020-01 Fence

Ordinance 2020-03 Employee Handbook – Copy

Ordinance 2020-03 Employee Handbook

Ordinance 2020-04 Police Dept Policies & Procedures

Garbage & Rubbish Ordinance Amendment 3-16-2022


Resolution 2017-01 Medicare Supplement Insurance

Resolution 2017-02 Audit Adjustments

Resolution 2017-03 HRA Insurance

Resolution 2017-04 Transfer of Funds

Resolution 2017-05 HSA Insurance (1).pdf

Resolution 2017-05 HSA Insurance.pdf

Resolution 2017-06 Downtown Revitalization Plan

Ordinance No.2018-04 Fair Housing Ordinance.pdf

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